Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Fun House #1

Hello, friends! It's a video of Fun House today!!! Woohoo!!!! 
Empress Arcticlily says, "YAY!"
Didja know what? I got a triple diamond bee from the Daily Spin! (BTW, when I say "bee", I mean like a bee sent this great blessing :) ) Which meant a quadruple diamond bee from my weekly diamond bee too!

And also guys, is it just me, or is this weird? 

Prancing Thepaw. The creepy bee.
Alright guys! Before this party gets started, I need to give a huuuge shout-out to my good buddies: 
aadarsh43556, aka appurocks.
bluelily54321 (DPA; doesnt play anymore).
oshika2, aka crazypuffball21.
cuticherry (DPA).
Lightbright13, aka Lightbright12.
pandafly8461 (DPA).
Redariel, aka me, sealariel.sandyotterwhale (DPA).
Tiger8461 (DPA).
Finally, xxawesomeflamexx.

 So its a long list. Big deal. Well, not as long as other Jammers. (I'll tell you 'bout that in Advice). Please notice that some of these names are bolded. That's because they are my good friends on AnimalJam. 

Well, that's it for today. Seeya guys! :)

Saturday, July 4, 2015


Hello friends. Welcome to my blog. This blog is very exciting. It's going to be full of interviews, tips, and an autobiography (in Animal Jam of course) about my Animal Jam account! So I'm going to upload posts about either two things: Fun House or Advice. I will see in the comments who likes which more, so, let's say, 3 people say they liked Advice, so I will do advice. If I post on the bottom of an Advice post that says "Running low on advice!",  feel free to type in the comments any advice with your Animal Jam username, and I may or may not post it and put a little *star saying the Animal Jam account name. Anyway, I hope you like this blog and I will see you around soon!

*I never know when I am going to post. Do not ask in the comments below.